Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Indian Vedic Astrology

The divine science of Vedic astrology is a wonderful asset to the mankind. It unfolds the uncertainties in life, reduces tensions and enables one to move into the right diection.It deals with various aspects of human life such as health-physical and mental, business, Social status, financial prosperity, name and fame, emotional stability etc.They Indian Vedic astrology has four major constituents which are signs, houses, planets and planetary periods.

Indian (Vedic) astrology is the ancient Indian system of astrology and astronomy. The term derives from the ancient language of the Vedas, Sanskrit, where Jyotishi means light or flame and Ish means God.Jyotish thus means Lord (Ray of the light.Jyotish is variously referred to in English as Hindu astrology, Indian astrology and Vedic astrology.Jyotish is knowledge to use divine light that remove ignorance.

The Vedic system of astrology is one of the six disciplines of vedanga, the auxiliary disciplines of Vedic religion. As such, Jyotish has historically been part of a continues holistic approach to living and an integral practice based on the ancient spiritual tradition of India. The foundation of Jyotish is the notion of bandhu of the Vedas or scriptures, which is the connection between the microcosm and the macrocosm. Its purpose is to offer humanity a means to understand the role and expression of karma in individual and collective life.Indeed,hindus believe that humans have fortune and misfortune in life because of their karma. Many use Jyotish to understand setbacks in life due to the influence of planets and perform religious ceremonies to mitigate or avoid the pain of separation in life.

The practice of Vedic astrology primarily relies on the visible or sidereal zodiac, which is different from the tropical zodiac used in western astrology in that an Ayanamsha adjustment is made for the gradual precession of the vernal equinox. The tropical zodiac is used in Vedic astrology only to compute ascendant (Lagna),although the end result is converted to sidereal lagna.Prediction of weather and related phenomena is traditionally made according to sidereal system, especially through horoscopes for the moment of solar transition into sidereal Nakshatras and signs at ancient center of India(Near Bhopal and Ujjain)or from Meru in Jamboodvioa;but some research scholars are now experimenting with tropical system for predicting the course of nature-as in weathered.

Vedic astrology also includes several nuances sub-systems of interpretation and prediction with unique sacralized elements not found in western astrology, such as its specific system of lunar mansions(called nakshatras,encompassing a pantheon of archetypal deities).The Nakshatras are used by some to pick up auspicious times of day or month for every human activity as well as to provide insight into the motivations and guiding characteristics of human and events coming under their influence.Nakshatra cycles based on the natal placement of the moon or vimshottary periods are developing a reputation in contemporary culture for the accuracy with which they time the events, unfolding conditions in one’s life. When combined with an analysis of planetary transits, significant events in life become predictable.

Indian astrology (Jyotish) is still commonly used to aid in important decisions in life. In Hindu culture, newborns are traditionally named based on their birth Nakshatra, and Indian astrology concepts are pervasive in the organization of the calendar and holidays as well as in many areas of life. Astrology is perceived to be vital in today’s Indian Vedic culture, in making decisions made about Marriage, opening a new business and moving into a new home.

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