Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Astrology Love Horoscopes

It is commonly believed that a particular planet makes or unmakes your love-life. This is far from truth though. It is the combined influence of all the planets on the couple that builds or breaks the relationship.

Apart from the ten planets, the Sun and the Moon are included in the ratings of heavenly bodies that influence the life of an individual. Astronomers continue to investigate the gross aspects of the planet, whereas the astrologers, who believe that there is also an inner world in each individual celestial body, investigate the facts and matters relevant to their domain.

It is not that one planet does everything for you. There is special relationship between the planets at the time of your birth. How they interact, influence and interfere in the domain of each other is the crux of the problem for the astrologer. He has to extract the truth, from this complicated cobweb.

Herein, love astrology does not refer to the story of Adam and Eve. It means what each planet loves. Alternatively, it could also mean what is the impact of each planet on the subject called love.

SUN: The most powerful heavenly body. The sun holds the key to our spiritual life. He is life giving and warm body. Its love life indications are good, positive and conducive to mutual understanding.

MOON: The emotional being, therefore moon is associated with the subject love, deeply. It symbolizes feminine traits.

MERCURY: Concerned with intellectual developments and speed. A revolutionary mind as well. A genius.

VENUS: This is the real planet of love. An, enduring symbol of romance. Talents in music, dance and the likes are associated with it. Indicator of love capacity.

MARS: Fights for the cause dear to it, till death. Inclination towards aggression and agitation. Uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm.

JUPITER: Represents magnanimity and generosity. Good fortune, happiness and abundant health.

SATURN: Reputation for causing difficulties and death. The great leveler, who goes by the strict laws of action and reaction. When it comes to punishing, it goes by the rule of book and spares none.

URANUS: Indicates the sudden and life changing things that happen without any known cause. Promises to break the new grounds. An unpredictable planet.

NEPTUNE: Concerned with watery emotions. With mystical experiences. If you want to know why material world of earth is less than the oceanic wealth, ask Neptune!

PLUTO: Power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and big business enterprises. Pluto has been associated as the god of the underworld.

The interaction of all the individual qualities of the planets with the total qualities, make the love life of an individual. So, love astrology is finding out, how it happens!

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