Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Astrology Horoscopes Compatibility

When someone says "What's your sign?", they are thinking "What month were you born in? That is your zodiac sign. I want to know our astrology compatibility." What they are actually refering to is called your Sun Sign. What many people don't understand about astrology is that it's not just about your Sun sign but your Moon sign, Mars sign, Venus sign and on through the planets and they each represent a different part of your personality. When you have an astrological reading done by an astrologer, they require not only your date of birth but your birth time and place as well. This gives them the information they need to build what is called a birth chart, and that's where astrology compatibility get's real interesting.

Determining the astrological compatibility between two people is done by comparing their birth charts. In your birth chart there are what is known in astrology as "aspects". If you drew a straight line from you to one planet, and then from you to another, you would be the corner of an angle. The degree of that angle determines what type of aspect it is. So, if it were a 90 degree angle, the aspect is called a square. A 60 degree angle would be a trine. Squares are difficult angles and mean that the two planets involved (two parts of your personality) need to overcome some obstacles in order to work harmoniously. A trine is naturally harmonious and means the two planets compliment your personality when working together.

When thinking about astrology compatibility between two birth charts, an astrologer would first overlay the two charts and then look at the angles one planet from one chart makes to any of the planets in the second chart. For example, chart A could have Moon in Leo (which means the person has an emotional need for attention) and chart B could have Moon in Cancer (meaning the person has an emotional need for nurturing). This would make for a harmonius relationship of needs.

At the same time, this Moon in Cancer and Moon in Leo couple could have difficulty due to the difference in their Moons. Each astrological sign is assigned an element. Leo is a fire sign and Cancer is water. Since astrology is based on symbolism, the astrologer would think of this combination metaphorically. Water can put out fire (Cancer nurturing Leo's hurt and passionate pride). Yet, as fire can cause water to evaporate if there's too much fire for the water to put out,Leo Moon can steam the feelings of Cancer Moon and cause them to have feelings of inadequacy.

I hope this has been a succinct introduction to astrology compatibility. With the famous cliche pick-up line still not tiring out these days, it's no wonder people are confused why they don't get along with someone based on their sign. Further education about relationship astrology will help people to understand their compatibility and, if you're new on the dating scene, it's actually quite a bit of fun!

1 comment:

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