Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Astrology Zone Horoscopes

It is true that over the centuries, science is coming forward with new logics to decline the existence of astrology. Researches are going on with a swift pace to rediscover the universe that has been already discovered by ancient astrologers. It makes no sense to waste recourses on discovering universe when astrology is defining it very clearly.

Astrology is not just limited to the prediction of the future but it is a comprehensive and logical study of solar system. It is also true that there is now resurgence for astrology as people have again started taking interest in knowing their future through stars. Probably, this is the reason why every magazine TV channel, newspaper and website keeps a special place for astrology as astrology zone. Almost every person knows his or her Sun sign and this is the most important astrological factor for knowing your future. So, it has become very simple to make horoscope for people. This entire game of movement of stars gets a high heed by all communication modes. These astrological zones help people not only in knowing their daily horoscope but also getting information about special forecasts that are based on daily, weekly and monthly periods. You can also find your rising star by casting a detailed horoscope with the help of few details that are based on the movement of planets, the changing position of planets and transition made by planets into other planets.

In fact, you can also know your future with the help of astrology zone by getting predictions made on the basis of your time of birth; place of birth and of, course the most important thing on the basis of your name and your father’s name. Thanks to the advancement of technology, making horoscopes has become simple and is understood very well by the people. The astrologers can make people understand the language of astrology zone easily. One can get predictions done on work, work issues, marriage and love, studies and lots more through astrology zone. With the revolution of internet technology, you can log onto various websites that are specifically developed for you. Hence, get connected with the cosmic world for your bright and happy future. Though, there are various branches of astrology, these days, predictions based on tarot cards and coffee mug reading are gaining popularity amongst the people who are always on the look out for better future.

In addition, you can also get your customized horoscopes within the short span of time. Well, a good astrologer is one who not only makes predictions but also explains the integrity involved in the astrology zone. After all, astrology is not about getting future predicted but is a science of planets that needs lots of concentration while reading someone’s past, present and future. Astrology has become an integral part of our lives and one often depends on it for a better prospect of a future. Well, basically, astrology is based on the movements of planets and involves lots of calculations based on their movements for a perfect future.

Indian Astrology Horoscopes

Indian astrology is the oldest wisdom found even in Atharva Veda 3000 B.C. back. Indian astrology is based on the relative positions of stars or planets at the birth time. Mainly the nine planets are supposed to influence the life of a person. These are Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupitor, Saturn and two shadow planets Rahu and Katu. To predict life events of a Person the relative positions of these planets are determined and several charts and Dashas Are made and calculated. There were several Rishies who gave several systems to calculate & prepare these charts and Dashas. Prominent names among them are Parasher Rishi and Varahamihir and many others. It is quite difficult, even to study a system thoroughly.

Predictions can be made only after preparing kundli or Horoscope. Kundli science has three parts.

Ganit (Calculations)
Phalit (Predictions)

Ganit comprises of various calculations. Among them preparing charts calculating Dashas and many other calculations. Charts are Lagun kundli, Chander kundli, Navmans kundli Shodesh Verga kundli and Ashtak Verga kundli and other charts.

There are almost 40 Dashas told by Parasher Rishi. Main of them are Vimsottary Dasha and Yogni Dasha.

Phalit is the art of prediction. This is a divine knowledge, only a few can lern and practice it. It is based on accurate calculations of Charts and Dashas. Calculations can only be accurate if time of birth known is precise. Phalit is used to know various aspects of a persons life such as education, carrier, love & marriage, to find a suitable life partner (Match Making), to know an auspicious time to start a ceremony (Muhurat) and various other aspects.

Remedies Indian astrology provides various remedies to counter a problem or enhance a particular aspect of life such as health, wealth, carrier, peace in married life etc. remedies are wearing gems and metals, mantra therapy, yantra therapy, rudraksha therapy, upvaas (fasting), Dan (donation), vaster dharan.

Astrology Monthly Horoscopes

Man has forever believed in the power of destiny from the since the Stone Age days. Part of this belief has sprung from observing the life events like birth and death and his own helplessness in preventing or fulfilling most of his desires. As a result various branches of astrology evolved over thousands of years. One of them is natal astrology.

Natal astrology or genethliacal astrology can be defined as the branch of astrology which is governed by the theory that the exact birth time, date and the place of birth of an individual can reveal all the major aspects of an individual’s personality and life path. Natal astrology is a part of all the major astrological traditions of the world whether Chinese, Indian or Western.

In natal astrology, generally a horoscope or a birth chart is made which helps the astrologer in understanding the exact positions of the governing planets, the moon, sun apart from the ascendants, aspects and various other features.

The exact time of birth, even the seconds matter a great deal in natal astrology. If the exact time is known, then it becomes easier to interpret and even predict the future life events of the individual’s (also called the native).

After the construction of the birth chart, then the astrologer starts the interpretation process. The process of interpretation is generally divided into three important phases:

- Taking a note of the salient characteristics of the chart
- Chart weighting process
- Chart shaping process

In the process of chart weighting, the position of different houses and astrological signs is noted. Then the effect of the placement of these different houses and signs on the native’s personality is observed and interpreted.

In chart shaping, the positions and aspects related to various planets in the chart is noted along with any significant tendencies and patterns.

Each natal chart is governed by certain important aspects which are of prime importance to the person interpreting the chart. These are:

- The position of the moon and the sun.
- The house of the moon and the sun.
- The zodiac sign where the sun and the moon are placed at the time of the birth.
- The ascendant sign.
- Planet ruling the ascendant sign also known as the chart ruler or the ascendant ruler.
- The first planet which occupies the first, second and third houses following the ascendant. This planet is also called the rising planet and plays an important role in the native’s life.
- If the first three houses don’t have a planet occupying them, then the planet ruling the twelfth house which is close to the ascendant can be assumed as the rising planet.
- Special consideration must be given to planets which are in conjunction with the primary angles of ascendant and descendant.

Zodiac signs are also important in natal astrology. The more the number of planets in a particular zodiac on a person’s chart, the attributes of that sign will be more dominant in a person’s personality. For example if there is a higher concentration of significant planets in one of the fire signs like Leo, the native will display more Leonine traits.

Astrology Horoscopes Compatibility

When someone says "What's your sign?", they are thinking "What month were you born in? That is your zodiac sign. I want to know our astrology compatibility." What they are actually refering to is called your Sun Sign. What many people don't understand about astrology is that it's not just about your Sun sign but your Moon sign, Mars sign, Venus sign and on through the planets and they each represent a different part of your personality. When you have an astrological reading done by an astrologer, they require not only your date of birth but your birth time and place as well. This gives them the information they need to build what is called a birth chart, and that's where astrology compatibility get's real interesting.

Determining the astrological compatibility between two people is done by comparing their birth charts. In your birth chart there are what is known in astrology as "aspects". If you drew a straight line from you to one planet, and then from you to another, you would be the corner of an angle. The degree of that angle determines what type of aspect it is. So, if it were a 90 degree angle, the aspect is called a square. A 60 degree angle would be a trine. Squares are difficult angles and mean that the two planets involved (two parts of your personality) need to overcome some obstacles in order to work harmoniously. A trine is naturally harmonious and means the two planets compliment your personality when working together.

When thinking about astrology compatibility between two birth charts, an astrologer would first overlay the two charts and then look at the angles one planet from one chart makes to any of the planets in the second chart. For example, chart A could have Moon in Leo (which means the person has an emotional need for attention) and chart B could have Moon in Cancer (meaning the person has an emotional need for nurturing). This would make for a harmonius relationship of needs.

At the same time, this Moon in Cancer and Moon in Leo couple could have difficulty due to the difference in their Moons. Each astrological sign is assigned an element. Leo is a fire sign and Cancer is water. Since astrology is based on symbolism, the astrologer would think of this combination metaphorically. Water can put out fire (Cancer nurturing Leo's hurt and passionate pride). Yet, as fire can cause water to evaporate if there's too much fire for the water to put out,Leo Moon can steam the feelings of Cancer Moon and cause them to have feelings of inadequacy.

I hope this has been a succinct introduction to astrology compatibility. With the famous cliche pick-up line still not tiring out these days, it's no wonder people are confused why they don't get along with someone based on their sign. Further education about relationship astrology will help people to understand their compatibility and, if you're new on the dating scene, it's actually quite a bit of fun!

Astrology Love Horoscopes

It is commonly believed that a particular planet makes or unmakes your love-life. This is far from truth though. It is the combined influence of all the planets on the couple that builds or breaks the relationship.

Apart from the ten planets, the Sun and the Moon are included in the ratings of heavenly bodies that influence the life of an individual. Astronomers continue to investigate the gross aspects of the planet, whereas the astrologers, who believe that there is also an inner world in each individual celestial body, investigate the facts and matters relevant to their domain.

It is not that one planet does everything for you. There is special relationship between the planets at the time of your birth. How they interact, influence and interfere in the domain of each other is the crux of the problem for the astrologer. He has to extract the truth, from this complicated cobweb.

Herein, love astrology does not refer to the story of Adam and Eve. It means what each planet loves. Alternatively, it could also mean what is the impact of each planet on the subject called love.

SUN: The most powerful heavenly body. The sun holds the key to our spiritual life. He is life giving and warm body. Its love life indications are good, positive and conducive to mutual understanding.

MOON: The emotional being, therefore moon is associated with the subject love, deeply. It symbolizes feminine traits.

MERCURY: Concerned with intellectual developments and speed. A revolutionary mind as well. A genius.

VENUS: This is the real planet of love. An, enduring symbol of romance. Talents in music, dance and the likes are associated with it. Indicator of love capacity.

MARS: Fights for the cause dear to it, till death. Inclination towards aggression and agitation. Uncontrolled energy and enthusiasm.

JUPITER: Represents magnanimity and generosity. Good fortune, happiness and abundant health.

SATURN: Reputation for causing difficulties and death. The great leveler, who goes by the strict laws of action and reaction. When it comes to punishing, it goes by the rule of book and spares none.

URANUS: Indicates the sudden and life changing things that happen without any known cause. Promises to break the new grounds. An unpredictable planet.

NEPTUNE: Concerned with watery emotions. With mystical experiences. If you want to know why material world of earth is less than the oceanic wealth, ask Neptune!

PLUTO: Power of Pluto directs the great monopolies and big business enterprises. Pluto has been associated as the god of the underworld.

The interaction of all the individual qualities of the planets with the total qualities, make the love life of an individual. So, love astrology is finding out, how it happens!

Kamal Kapoor Astrology

Astrology is one of the traditional methods of divination, which is completely based upon theory of the locations and positions of the supernal heavenly bodies like planets, sun, moon and the stars during the birth of an individual’s life. While describing Astrology with respect to psychological outline, it is a kind of new age therapy that is practiced for personality examination and self-understanding. Though describing in both stipulations, astrology is a reflection of magical thinking.

While most people describe astrology as supernal belief, the Thorwald Dethlefsen describes astrology as a method of exemplifying reality. As a real fact, Astrology will be described with different connotation by several different people. A well researching scientist or fashion loved modernist will merely describe astrology as a simple concept and toughest part of science. Few people consider it as a mesmerizing art, or ability, or spiritual facts, or a psychological practice or even as a religion. While discussing in reality, Astrology is something that could be implemented with exact time of birth and the place of birth. Astrology is common to all living thing! Even your pet dog has their future presaged, if you get to know their place of birth and time of birth.

For all these reason, astrology is set to be a blend of several themes of emotion. All these confusions prevailing, people get into confusion on what to believe and what not to believe. How would you behave if someone tells you the date and time of your death, without knowing things about your style of living? That would be really scaring people out from their wits. The right birth time and place of a person will help an astrologist to calculate his/her death date! Though all these information are shared, some might believe Astrology whereas some never trust all these facts. Astrology is the influencing of natural heavenly bodies and it is described as a symbolic representation of exemplifying reality.

There are several branches in horoscopic astrology. They are described here as follows:

Basically astrology horoscope could be categorized into 4 branches that will be directed with particular field or subject. All these branches make use of specific technical approach with various applications including to the core precept of system in various area. The four principle branches of astrology are explained here for your denotation.

Natural Astrology is an examination of an individual birth chart, which acquires information about the person’s life understandings.

Katarchic Astrology is a method of practice that includes electional & event astrology. This astrology will assist in determining the precious right moment to initiate a business enterprise. It also describes the best moment to set the event of the work.

Horary Astrology is a practice that is used to give answer for several queries of education chart.

Mundane Astrology which is otherwise called as world astrology is an application that deals with world or universal events like earthquakes, weather, empire, religion, and other more.

The above discussed are the several branches of astrology and all these types will hold its uniqueness and individualism.

Astrology Reports

Astrology is a huge topic. Over a hundred of decades, astrology has been known to be one of the most intriguing sciences all across the wide. Astrology is as vivid as the universe itself. Astrology is basically, a group of systems, traditions and beliefs in which knowledge of the relative positions of the innumerable celestial bodies and related details is considered to be functional and constructive in understanding, interpreting, and organizing information about personality, human affairs, and other terrestrial matters. Any person who practices astrology is called an astrologer, or, less often, an astrologist. Numerous traditions and applications employing astrological concepts have arisen since its earliest recorded beginnings in the second millennium BC. It has played a role in the shaping up of culture, early astronomy and various other disciplines throughout history. With the passing of time, astrology has become a major source of understanding of various things that science also cannot prove. With the popularizing of astrology, famous astrologers have come up with astrology book that helps people to understand the intricacies of astrology and to understand the science of astrology.

In times gone by, astrology and astronomy were often impossible to differentiate as both focused on the desire for analytical, foretelling and divinatory knowledge and these were one of the primary motivating factors for astronomical observation. Astronomy began to move away from astrology after a long period of gradual separation in the 18th century. Today, people can easily categorize between the two of them and today people are more interested in learning astrology as a subject itself. For such people who want to indulge their interest in astrology and want to learn about the different methods and other things involved in astrology, can actually opt for an astrology book. In fact, the main advantage that a reader can draw from an astrology book is the authenticity of the information but yes, one has to make sure that they are following an apt book.

Various famous astrologers write astrology books and this can prove to be a good guide for anyone who is interested to learn astrology all by themselves. Although astrology is intricate but one has the determination, then one can actually learn it quite easily. Since astrology is a vast topic, one has to decide the area of astrology in which he or she wants to specialize. Once this clear demarcation is made, it can be easier for the person to get hold of an astrology book that can easily make them understand that particular bit about astrology and then they can understand the entire concept of astrology later.

In fact, with the popularizing of internet, one can also find online astrology book. For this, one needs to have an internet connection and then they can surf through various websites that offer free online astrology books. Through an astrology book, one can easily get to know various things about astrology of not only India but also the astrology that is practiced in different corners of the earth. In fact, these kinds of books also help people to clear their myths about this science known as astrology.